Why does Japanese culture favor Twitter?

-Japanese people have always been interested in blogging. An early Edelman report showed that Japan  has the highest number of bloggers per capita in the world. (Remember, Twitter is a (micro)blogging platform)

-Since Japan is a culture of harmony people cannot openly criticize others and it might build up inside. That’s why there’s a platform called 2Channel where people criticize others, spread rumours and freely express themselves by using nick names. It is currently the world’s largest forum. (Twitter allows nick names and people can spread rumors on Twitter) (read here more about 2channel and anonymity in Japan)

-An early study which compared Mixi and Facebook found that 80% of Japanese users write diaries on Mixi while almost no one writes a diary on Facebook. (Tweeting what you are up to is like writing a short diary)

-Our study showed that Japanese people still are reluctant to use their real names and show their real pictures in social media.

-to read more http://www.techinasia.com/problem-with-facebook-in-japan/